Animation by Keiichi Hara - 93 mins - Japan, 2016
OmU - Japanese with German subtitles

Miss Hokusai

This impressionistic Japanese anime tells the story of the assistant, and daughter of Kasushika Hokusai, the master painter and printmaker of the Edo period. O-Ei, an artist herself, lives in a time and place, 19th century Tokyo, where being a woman disqualifies you for any artistic dream. She still makes her own path, between a quietly loving father and two other women at home, her mother and a blind little sister. The elegant tale wanders between sentimental and spiritual poetry, in a visually striking and delicately animated film that exalts the journey of an artist and a woman.

Animation by Keiichi Hara - 93 mins - Japan, 2016
OmU - Japanese with German subtitles

Tangerine L.A.

As the first part of Arabian nights (The Restless One) has been playing for a few weeks now at IL KINO, we’re just starting to screening part 2 (The Desolate One, nominated at the Oscars) and part 3 (The Enchanted One) in the upcoming weeks. The beautiful middle eastern tales are being loosely transposed in modern Portugal by the director of Tabu, Miguel Gomes. The triptych is a reflection on austerity and a political drama, a collage of stories as absurd as they are realist. In this film, the working class is crushed, and hope rarely overcomes misery and violence. Each of the vignettes, portraying colourful characters along the six hours of the three films together, give an overview of what Portugal struggles are today, and reflect on its deep identity crisis.